The Smart and Cool Way to Go for Car Stereo and Car Alarm Installation

Mobile Audio Video

In today’s hi-tech and state of the art motors and vehicles, there is practically no use of going for the car alarm installation as they are already fitted with one. But, this is not the case if you have an old model motor or vehicle with only few electronic gadget systems and no car stereo products. In these oldie auto and vehicle models, it becomes very important to go for auto stereo system and auto alarm installation. With the latest auto alarms and car audio system models available in the market, the very first thing which you need to do is choose the model which is compatible with your motor or vehicle electromotive setting.

Next, you should have the necessary tools available so that installation procedures can be started. The most common tools which are needed for the car audio system and car alarm installation use includes wire cutters, screwdriver set, electrical tape, Wire Stripper and of course the device. One thing which you need to keep in your mind when installing auto stereo player is to keep the space empty so that car amplifier installation can also be done. If you are not in a hurry to opt for vehicle amplifier installation now, even then, you should keep the space for car amplifier so that it can be easily fitted with the auto stereo player later on.

If you have to do vehicle audio system as well as car alarm installation, it would be pretty necessary that you start with the installation of car audio system. This is necessary because you will have to connect the car alarm directly to your auto stereo system. Car alarm uses the speakers and amplifiers of vehicle stereo for generating the output.

Start with the actual car stereo installation procedure by reading the technical manual and the wiring diagram. You need to place the wires exactly in the manner as shown in the diagram. If you have bought an integrated car stereo and car alarm system, there will not be any need to go for separate wiring. Common wiring system is laid for the integrated units.

The positive wire coming from each of the speakers will connect to the positive terminal of the vehicle stereo from the back. Next, connect the negative wire from each speaker to the negative terminal of the car stereo system in the back side. Now you connect the ignition wires both + / red to the car stereo system. Remember, if there is only one wire coming out from the speakers, they are fixed to the chassis.

After you have installed the car stereo system, you need to fix the car alarm unit in aspirate slot provided adjacent to the stereo system. The wire from car alarm unit will be fixed to car stereo system.

Make sure that you follow the car stereo and car alarm installation procedures one by one and in sequence. Do not try to jump directly to any instruction as this will lead you to confusion.